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Taylored Naturally 4 U Beard Oil is designed to promote a healthy and ideal growing environment for your beard


Dead cells on your face often impede the growth of new beard. By naturally moisturising the skin underneath your beard promotes beard growth. This Beard Oil helps remove unwanted dead skin cells and other impediments to fast facial hair growth.



Apply beard oil at least twice a day, for best results apply after you wash your face.


If you're in the stubble stage, 2 to 3 drops is plenty.

For a medium-sized beard, 4 to 5 drops. For a large beard, 5 to 7 drops.

Add the oil into your hand and brush your hands along the sides of your beard, do the same down the front.




Ingredients: Virgin Jojoba Oil, Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil, Bergamot oil, Tea Tree oil

Beard Oil 30g

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